Holmar Invest OÜ - charterflights from aircrafts, aerial filming and aerophotography from helicopters |
Charter flights on aeroplanesHolMar Invest OÃœ organizes charter flights to Europe, North-America, Arabic and Mediterranean countries. We are offering charter flights on our partner's VIP airplanes and services.      Aerial photography flightsHolMar Invest OÃœ will perform numerous photoshooting flights around beautiful Estonia. Our flight routes include many counties, cities, towns, villages and pre-ordered objects. If you are planning to have your home, business or place of interest to be photographed from above, please do contact us. And of course, if you would like, you can be the photographer.    Aerial filming flightsHolMar Invest OÃœ offers aerial filming services. You can use our helicopter for filming from above or you can use our helicopters as a background object in your videos. See the video below, where our helicopter was flying in the background. Music video: The Monday Box - Radical    Â
Advertising on a helicopterHolmar Invest Oü offers advertising space for your company on helicopters. Appropriate sized advertisement will be placed on the helicopter sides. Call +372 5044122 for more info. |